
School ofEducation
● Education,Graduate School ofEducation,University ofPennsylvania
● English LanguageandLiterature,Department ofEnglish,Peking University,China
● English LanguageandLiterature,DepartmentofEnglish,Peking University,China
Research Areas:
Education,CultureandSociety,ComparativeandInternationalEducation,Educational Policy
Teaching Experiences:
2019-Present: Professor,School ofEducation, Renmin University ofChina.
Courses taught:Social Changes and Educational Development in China (English-medium), Educational Reform: Theory and Practice, Education, Culture andSociety
2011-2019: AssociateProfessor, SchoolofEducation, RenminUniversityofChina. Courses taught: Chinese Educational Development and Educational Policy,
Qualitative Research Methods, Education, Culture and Society
2005-2011: AssistantProfessor, InstituteofEducation, RenminUniversityofChina,Beijing, China.
Courses taught:Social Research Methods, Cultural Issues in Education, PolicyStudies in Education
2004.9-2005.5: Instructor at Center for East Asian Studies, Universityof Pennsylvania, teaching undergraduate students Beginning Chinese.
2002.9-2002.12: Teaching Assistant, Graduate School ofEducation, University of Pennsylvania. Course: Qualitative Research Methods and Ethnography
2003.9-2004.1: Teaching Assistant, Graduate School ofEducation, University of Pennsylvania. Course: Applied Quantitative Research Methods
2003.9-2005.5: Zhishan Chinese HeritageSchool in Philadelphia, teaching third- graders Chinese reading and writing and Chineseculture
2001.1-2002.5: International Classroom, Museum ofArcheology and Anthropology, UniversityofPennsylvania, teachingChineseculture.
1999.9-2000.6: Yanyuan Training Center, Peking University, teaching IntensiveEnglish to adultstudents
1998.9-1999.6: Division ofAdult Education, Guanghua ManagementSchool, Peking University, teaching MBA students Intensive English.
1997.9-2000.6: Division ofCollege English, Department ofEnglish, Peking
University, teachingundergraduatestudentsIntensiveEnglishandExtensiveEnglish.
Research Experiences:
2019-Present:Principal Investigator, “Constructing the Chinese Common NationalityamongStudents and Teachers in Inland BoardingSchools/Classes”, sponsored by theChinese NationalSocialSciences Foundation
2013-2018: Principal Investigator, “Confucius Institutes and Teaching ChineseOverseas”, sponsored by Office ofOverseas Chinese,State Council.
2011-2016: Principal Investigator, “Inland Boarding Schools/Classes for Tibetanand Xinjiang Minority Students”, sponsored by Beijing Municipal Education
2009-2014: Principal Investigator, “The Identity Formation ofMigrant Children in Urban China”, sponsored by the Division ofHumanities andSocialSciences,
2008.1-2009.6: Participant in the “NationalSurvey on Elementary andSecondarySchoolEnglishTeachers” projectsponsoredbyDepartmentofTeacherEducation, MinistryofEducation, China.
2007.2-2009.2: Principal Investigator, “The Theory and Practice ofGeneral Education Reform in Chinese Universities”.
2002.9-2004.3: Research Assistant, Population Aging Research Center project, “TheHousehold Composition and Living Arrangements ofAsian American Elderly” (PI:Dr. GraceKao, DepartmentofSociology, UniversityofPennsylvania)
2000.9-2002.5: Research Assistant,Successful UrbanSchools (PI: Dr. Diana Slaughter-Defoe, GraduateSchoolofEducation, UniversityofPennsylvania)
English Publications:
Zhang, D. (2024): Revisiting the institutionalization of Tongshi
education in Chinese universities: a comparative-historical lens, Studies in Higher Education, 1, 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2024.2309317
lCheng, B. & Zhang, D. (2020). Cultivating Citizenship with Confucian
Cosmopolitanism in Asia: Liberal Arts Education. Frontiers ofEducation in China.
Zhang, D. (2019)"Constructing social networks and mobilizing socialcapital:Case studies oftwo Tibetan students in a Beijing inland boardingschool", International
Zhang, D. (2018). Interculturality, Identity, and Power: Experiences ofVolunteer
ChineseTeachersatOverseasConfuciusInstitutes. FrontiersofEducationinChina,13(2),193-215. DOI:
Zhang, D. (2018). The rural-urban divide, intergroup relations, andsocial identityformationofruralmigrantchildreninaChineseurbanschool, InternationalStudies inSociologyofEducation, 27:1, 60-77, DOI:10.1080/09620214.2017.139420
Zhang, D. (2017). Tongshi Education in China: A New Bottle withOld Wineoran Old Wine with New Bottle? in Maria Burguete & Jean-Patrick Connerate (eds.),Interdisciplinarity and Generation Education in the 21st Century(pp. 43-58),
Science Matters Press, Cascais, Portugal.
Zhang, D. & Xuan, T. Cultivating Innovative Talents among the Next-Generation
ChineseStudents: A CaseStudy ofRenmin University ofChina. In Maria Burguete& Jean-Patrick Connerate (eds.), Interdisciplinarity and Generation Education in the21st Century(pp. 59-74),Science Matters Press, Cascais, Portugal.
Zhang, D. & Luo, Y. (2016). Social exclusionandthehiddencurriculum:The
schooling experiences ofChinese rural migrant children in an urban public school. BritishJournalofEducationalStudies, pp. 215-234
Zhang, D. (2015). Growing up with distant parents: Socialization andalienationof “left-behindchildren” inruralChina. FrontiersofEducationinChina, 10(4),505-525.
Zhang, D. & Chen, L. (2014). Creating a multiculturalcurriculumin Han-dominant schools: The policy and practice ofethnic solidarity education inChina.
Comparative Education,50(4),400-416.
Zhang, D. (2014). Book Review. The education ofmigrant childrenandChina’sfuture: The urban left behind by Holly H. Ming. Frontiers ofEducation in China,9(3),472-474.
Zhang, D. (2012). Tongshi Education Reform in a ChineseUniversity:Knowledge,Values and Organizational Changes.Comparative Education Review, 56(3),
Zhang, D. (2012). Co-Ethnic Network,Social Class and Heritage Language
MaintenanceamongChineseImmigrantFamilies. JournalofLanguage, IdentityandEducation,11(3),pp.200-223.
Zhang, D. (2010). Language Maintenance and Language ShiftamongChineseImmigrant Parents and Their Second-Generation Children in the US. BilingualResearch Journal, 33(1),pp. 42-60.
Zhang, D., &Slaugher-Defoe, D. (2009). Language Attitudes and Heritage Language Maintenance among Chinese Immigrant Families in the US. Language,Culture andCurriculum,22(2), pp. 77-92.
Zhang, Donghui. (2008). LanguageMaintenanceandAcculturationamongChinese ImmigrantFamilies in theUS. Al Paso, TX: LFB ScholarlyPublishing,LLC.
Zhang, D. (2008).“On the other side ofthe ocean:StoriesofChinesein the US.InZhen Zhou & David R. Knapp (eds.), ExperiencingAnother Culture (pp.3-20),Kunming, China: Yunnan People’s Press.
Zhang, D. (2004).Home Language Maintenance among Second-Generation Chinese Immigrant Children.WorkingPapers on EducationalLinguistics, 19(2), pp. 33-53.